Into the wild

There is a lot to Open-Source. Even more when your organisation deals with lots of data. The distibuted Red Hen Lab is a global laboratory and consortium for research into multimodal communication. This year, I being one of the GSoC'ers would be contributing into gesture recognition and other things, as discussed in the community bonding period.

Community bonding might be tough for introverts. It all began with a skype call.

A lot can happen over a skype call. Specially if it lasts 2 hours

Proposals are generally overcooked. So was mine, full of quartos and folios of work which probably would be very tough to pull off during the coding period. So, the most important thing that remained now, was indexing tasks according to their priority so that nothing important is left incomplete.

Towards the end of the tunnel

“Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you” ― Rasheed Ogunlaru

GSoC is a lot about meeting and interacting with new people. Even a newer you. People come with experience. That is what humans rely on to progress. So we interacted with new people, who have been contributing to the organisation.

In the end, I was added as a member of the organisation on Github. There was a lot to gain and nothing to lose. No one should miss such an arbitrage opprtuinity. :wink:

Thank you for reading