What we did

Here is a list of things I could do during the community bolding period :

  1. Got myself the title of a Red Hen. Look for me here, and find out which Red Hen are you here
  2. Bonded with the Red Hen Lab community.
  3. Got to know a lot of new people who have worked for Red Hen in a direct or indirect way, which help me understand the working paradigms as well as the functioning of already existing research. Because without that :

“Life seemed even more of a guessing game than usual.” ― Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending

  1. Started with setting up an RPi Digital video recording station. Oh I love hardware, and specially when you get recognized to use it.
  2. Pushed 250 commits to different repos (including blended classical attention for Red Hen Lab) in a week. By far the best Open Source week I have had.
  3. Set up a personal blog, which should be updated here and there sometime later. Don't procrastinate . Okay I am doing it. :unamused:
  4. Set up this record of updates, for my Google summer of code project
  5. Though about the odds which would favour an upside down mermaid. Not the correct place Soumitra. Ohh, nevermind :sweat_smile:

“If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf.”

Just for fun!